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It is time for the international community to intervene: the Israeli law on settlements has been approved, yet stealing is illegal – 8/2/2017

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International support day on Palestinian rights of 1948 – 30/1/2017

Si è celebrata anche quest’anno, per la seconda volta da quando è stata istituita il 30 gennaio 2016, la Giornata Internazionale a Sostegno dei Diritti dei Palestinesi del 1948. Nata per iniziativa di leader e movimenti politici palestinesi in Israele, in Palestina e nella Diaspora, questa giornata sollecita puntualmente l’attenzione di tutti gli amici della …

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Inauguration of the Palestinian Embassy for the Holy See – 12/1/2017

The Embassy of Palestine in Italy is pleased to inform journalists that the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will release a statement at the inauguration of the Palestinian Embassy to the Holy See on Saturday, January 14, on the eve of the International Peace Conference to be held in Paris on 15 January. Interested journalists are …

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Monsignor Capucci’s death – 2/1/2017

With a heart full of pain, the Embassy of the State of Palestine in Italy announces the lose of the great patriot of the Arab world, Monsignor Hilarion Capucci. More information here: 

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Celebration for the world solidarity day through the rights of Palestinians – 6/12/2016

Gentili Senatori, Senatrici e Onorevoli, Gentili rappresentanti del governo italiano, Vostre Eccellenze Ambasciatori e Corpo Diplomatico, Gentile Consigliera rappresentante del Sindaco di Roma, Autorità, Gentili rappresentanti delle Organizzazioni Internazionali, Signori e Signore delle comunità arabe, Signori e Signore della comunità palestinese, Care amiche e cari amici, Ringrazio tutti voi presenti, a nome dell’Ambasciatrice Mai Alkaila …

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The Arab-Israeli Conflict: a Palestinian Perspective – 6/10/2016

Download presentation slides NATO Regional Cooperation Course Dra Mai Alkaila, Ambassador of Palestine in Italy Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a great honour for me to speak to the NATO Regional Cooperation Course and I thank the NATO Defense College for this invitation. Let me tell you from the very onset that from a “Palestinian …

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“We need to reach a moderate political approach” Mai Alkaila, Periodico Italiano Magazine – 18/07/2016

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Palestine Contribution COC Committee – 19-20 January, 2016

Palestine is a land with a long maritime tradition. Seventy years ago the Palestinian fishing fleet worked all over the eastern Mediterranean. With their fishing fleet now hemmed into a sea area 6 miles wide and 40 miles long the fishermen themselves are now reduced to just fishing to put what little fish they catch …

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Nakba 2014 – Roma

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Nakba 2014

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