February 2017 archive

Palestinian Minister of foreign affairs demands an urgent international response to Netanyahu’s rejection of the state of Palestine – 23/2/2017

Il Primo Ministro israeliano Benjamin Netanyahu nelle dichiarazioni fatte in Australia è stato molto chiaro ed esplicito, rivelando la discriminazione razziale ed estremista che guida il suo approccio al conflitto israelo-palestinese, specialmente quando ha detto: “Io voglio che i palestinesi godano di piena libertà e autonomia, purché non siano in grado di costituire una minaccia …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.ambasciatapalestina.com/en/2017/02/23/palestinian-minister-of-foreign-affairs-demands-an-urgent-international-response-to-netanyahus-rejection-of-the-state-of-palestine-2322017/

It is time for the international community to intervene: the Israeli law on settlements has been approved, yet stealing is illegal – 8/2/2017

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.ambasciatapalestina.com/en/2017/02/08/it-is-time-for-the-international-community-to-intervene-the-israeli-law-on-settlements-has-been-approved-yet-stealing-is-illegal-822017/