March 2017 archive

Earth day – 30/3/2017

Si celebra oggi il 41esimo anniversario della Giornata della Terra, una giornata che ricorda come, il 30 marzo del 1976, i cittadini palestinesi si ribellarono all’espropriazione delle loro terre in Galilea… MORE HERE: 

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UNESCO Committee’s Speech – 13/3/2017

Download presentation slides Rome International Careers Festival 2017 “By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes” Presentation by Dr Carolina Zincone, Communication Officer, on behalf of H.E. Mai Alkaila, Ambassador of the State of Palestine in Italy, Permanent Representative …

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Food waste – 3/3/2017

Regional Conference, Cremona Contaminative factors – The effect on mortality – Risk management Ladies and Gentlemen, On behalf of the people of Palestine, I would like to thank the organizers of this important Conference for giving me the opportunity to share with you all, in a spirit of dialogue and exchange of experiences, how crucial …

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In memory of Monsignor Capucci – 1/3/2017

Carissimi e carissime, A nome dell’Ambasciata di Palestina, del Presidente Mahmoud Abbas, del governo e di tutto il popolo palestinese, ringrazio voi tutti per essere qui con noi, stasera, a ricordare Monsignor Hilarion Capucci, già Arcivescovo di Gerusalemme, morto in esilio a Roma, il primo giorno dell’anno, all’età di 94 anni… MORE HERE: 

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